Author: XACT

An omnichannel approach keeps customers satisfied

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Why do you need to take an omnichannel approach for customer service? The answer is pretty simple: different methods appeal to different audience members.

Let’s take for example generational stereotypes. Even though we know that not everyone will fit the bill, it’s something to keep in mind as you consider the needs for an omnichannel approach.

The older generations are typically more inclined to make phone calls. This is how they’ve learned to converse. They’ve relied on the ability to talk to someone directly over the phone and address their concerns in this manner. There may be several people within the older generations that are comfortable with newer technologies such as text messaging and emails, but many still prefer to make a phone call instead.

The younger generations, on the other hand, tend to prefer methods that allow them to send a message quickly. They might prefer to address a concern or question via chat, on social media or over a text message.

There’s also the demographic that works in an office-like setting. Those who work in an office and are used to relying on email may prefer to use this as their preferred method of contact. Unlike those who might work in another setting like a kitchen, factory or warehouse.

The point here is that there are varying reasons why someone may prefer one method over another. Disabilities can also come into play. Some people may prefer one method over another because it’s something that is easier for them to utilize.

When you offer multiple channels for your customers to reach out to you through, you can meet the needs of your audience as a whole, instead of just a select few. It allows customers to connect with you in the way they’re most comfortable. This helps build more customer appreciation and, in turn, more loyalty. Plus, in this day and age, if you aren’t taking this type of approach, then you could be lagging behind your competitors.

What do customers really want?

Image of asian man making winner gesture and holding credit cardLet’s talk about what customers want, because really, without meeting those demands, it’s easy for a business to scare away customers. However, when businesses know what their customers desire, they can make sure they’re meeting those needs straight on.

When it comes down to it, what customers want can be broken down into a few simple answers. They want quality products with a great price tag. They also desire to work with a company that cares about them and offers excellent service. In addition, they desire convenience. It looks so simple when you break it into three sentences. However, as we all know, it takes a little more time to create a business that can meet these needs.

Quality products at a great price tag

As a business you need to make money, so how can you do this? We won’t tell you how to create quality, because we believe you are already doing that. As far as pricing goes, make sure you’re staying competitive with market trends and that your products are priced as such. You can also offer discounts periodically to help draw in new customers and retain your current ones.

A caring company that offers great service

Customers want to feel like they matter to the company they work with. This requires extra effort. You have to show customers that you truly value them. You can do this by offering friendly, reliable, and consistent customer service. You can provide more than one avenue for them to get a hold of you. You can also use a loyalty program to show your loyal customers that you appreciate them and want to retain their business. You may even want to try a few extra things. For example, the popular pet food company, Chewy, goes above and beyond if they hear that a customer’s pet has passed away. They’ll often send a card and flowers to the customer.


People are busy and technology has made a lot of things easier, so people have come to desire and expect convenience. Customers want an easy-to-navigate website. They want to be able to get answers to questions quickly and they want problems solved with speediness. A modern website with a FAQ page and a chat option can help make things go smoothly for customers. You can also provide more than one avenue for customers to get a hold of you so that it’s convenient for them.

When it comes down to it, customers only really desire a few things: quality, fair pricing, convenience, to be appreciated, and for a company to offer great service. These things are the keys to success as a B2C company.

If you’d like help with your customer support offerings, please visit our website to learn about our services. We offer convenience along with friendly, helpful service so that your customers feel valued and satisfied.

Customers demand excellence from the companies they do business with

young man hands holding credit card and using phoneIn today’s world, people aren’t afraid to speak up for what they want. And they don’t want to settle. Customers will complain or go elsewhere if their needs aren’t being met.

From a business perspective, that means people might leave negative reviews on your website or social media channels. They might even boycott your products or encourage their friends and family members to do the same.

With people standing up for themselves and being vocal about their likes and dislikes, it creates a higher bar for businesses to reach. Customer demands are real and as a business owner, you need to take heed.

What do customers want? Customers want the products and services they buy to live up to expectations. Beyond that, they want to get their questions and concerns addressed quickly. They want answers as soon as possible. They don’t want to wait. Whether they’re currently shopping, or they received a product and they’re not happy with it, they want a resolution, fast.

What does this mean for you as a business owner?

Ideally, your website should have an easy-to-find FAQ page that customers can access before, during, and after the buying experience. You should also consider incorporating a chat feature on your website. That way, when a customer has a question, they can simply type it in the chat bar and get answers immediately. You could have a chatbot programmed with answers to common questions and even offer the option to speak with a live agent when needed.

You need to make sure that all of your customer service contact options are readily available. Customers shouldn’t have to go searching for your phone number, email address, or complaint box. They should be able to find these points of contact in a hurry.

When it comes time to reach out to you, customers want to get assistance as soon as possible. They don’t want to wait on hold for a long time. It’s a busy world out there and people are juggling lots of responsibilities. What’s more, customers want the option to reach out to you when and how it’s convenient for them to do so. That means it’s best to have 24/7 support and provide multiple channels for which customers can reach out to you.

Customers expect and demand excellence. To stay competitive, your business needs to provide quality service and be easy to reach.

Customer stats that may have you reconsidering your business strategy

Group Of People Shopping ConceptCustomers’ expectations have been soaring lately. As competition continues to grow and things become easier than ever to access, customers have bigger demands. If they don’t receive the type of service they want with one company, they may leave that company and go elsewhere. Customers don’t need to feel locked in when there are other options out there. So, what keeps them coming back to your business? Well, we want to dive into this a little by going over some interesting statistics. It’s not just about the products or services you provide, but also the overall customer experience that matters to them. Let’s take a look at a few of these stats.

Customers’ expectations are incredibly high right now

As we mentioned in our introduction, expectations are high and it’s important to be aware of this. According to HubSpot, many leaders in the CX industry have expressed this. In fact, 90% of industry leaders have reported these high expectations. Businesses can meet these demands by relying on a trusted outsourcing partner who can provide excellent customer support solutions.

Customers may leave if they have a negative experience

A startling 49% of consumers have shared that they’ve had more negative experiences over the course of this year, according to Amazon. This could be the reason that 69% of customers will try to find a resolution themselves (source: HubSpot). People will try to avoid long conversations and bad encounters. However, sometimes customers simply need to reach out, and a negative experience could hurt the business. If customers in the U.S. have a single negative encounter with a business, they might leave; in fact, according to PwC, 17% will. And if a U.S. customer has a few of these experiences, they’re even more likely to leave, PwC reports 59%.

Customers talk about their experiences

Whether a customer has a good or bad experience with your business, they are likely to talk about it. In fact, HubSpot reports that a large percentage of agents feel this way, 85% to be exact. This is important to know because reviews and word-of-mouth advertising can make or break a business. Forbes reports that “90% of people are more likely to trust a recommended brand, even if the recommendation is from strangers.” They also report that “on average, word-of-mouth drives $6 trillion in annual global spending and is responsible for 13% of all sales.” They even say that “26% of people will completely avoid a brand if their friend or family tells them about a negative experience…”

Overall, you can see how these stats reflect that customers expect excellence. They desire positive brand experiences and may leave if they have negative encounters. They also like to share what type of experience they’ve had with businesses, which can further impact a business’s sales. This is why it’s more important than ever before to partner with a trusted contact center that can provide customer service solutions that will keep consumers happy. Please visit our website today to learn about our offerings. We’re devoted to keeping customers satisfied.

Great teams provide the best customer service

Successful entrepreneurs and business people achieving goals, business team conceptA strong sense of collaboration and community in a workplace can make all the difference between an effective, efficient (not to mention, fun) dream team and an office nightmare. Many leaders struggle with how to build the best team they can and facilitate collaboration, especially given the uncertainty of recent times and the rapid change it can bring to the workplace. We leverage strong and collaborative teams to provide the very best in customer service solutions to our customers.

Here are three key ways that we promote great teamwork:

1. Communication, communication, communication

Communicating well is the foundation of any good team. Communication means two things: speaking and listening. Speak your mind openly and honestly, and encourage the rest of your team to do the same. Communicate your expectations clearly and in no uncertain terms so that everyone is on the same page. At the same time, listen. Show that you are open to suggestions, concerns, and constructive criticism. Ask questions, and show that you care about the answers. Make it clear that you value the ideas of your teammates. This doesn’t have to mean formal meetings all the time either; touch base and catch up with your team every now and then. We treat our team right and provide them with the tools they need to provide the very best in customer service to our clients.

2. Establish some ground rules

Rules don’t have to be restrictive. All groups have rules, whether spoken or unspoken. Make yours spoken so that everyone understands them clearly and has a chance to offer suggestions. Norms and guidelines, even simple ones like “treat everyone with respect,” help pave the way for a great team experience. Establish rules early, but be prepared to adapt if they don’t work out. Make sure the rest of the team helps create these ground rules by consensus; offering them the chance to give feedback and decide on rules themselves will help everyone understand why the rules are necessary and increase their commitment to following them.

3. Be clear about the team’s purpose and goals

If the team doesn’t understand the “why” of their work, they have less reason to be motivated, attentive, and enthusiastic. Make sure you and the rest of the team know your long-term goals, the purpose of those goals, and how your current tasks (not to mention each team member’s contributions) fit into that big picture. Not only will this increase motivation among your team members, but it also gives you a clear way to evaluate the progress you all are making both collectively and individually.

These steps can help you better manage your company by any metric, whether it’s the morale of your teammates or their productivity. Both employees and the company can benefit from a functional and enjoyable workplace culture.