Yet now, more than ever, a cheerful, knowledgeable and helpful person on the other end of the line can do wonders for customer retention and foster repeat business. Whether your company is B2B or B2C, it’s imperative that your customer-facing employees are delivering a top-notch customer experience. Here are some other things to keep in mind:
Happy employees make customers happy. Make sure your customer service team has a good working environment and competitive pay and wages, or outsource to a company that invests in its workforce.
Thanking your customers for their patience with COVID-related delays is critical. If your phone lines are flooded with calls or your website is inundated with emails, acknowledge that and express gratitude for your customers’ patience. Add a greeting to your on-hold message or add a pop-up on your website or use automated tools like chatbots. It doesn’t have to be formal or long. Just say something to the effect of, “Due to COVID-19, we are experiencing a high volume of customer inquiries. We appreciate your patience.” Once a customer reaches an employee, it’s absolutely critical that the employee is friendly and helpful. A little kindness and empathy go a long way!
Now’s the time to go above and beyond. Two plus years into a global pandemic, patience is wearing thin. People are worn out and burned out. Some businesses have struggled. What can you do to take the pressure off? Forgive late fees? Distribute a list of resources in the communities which you serve? Make a donation to a charitable cause? Such efforts don’t go unnoticed when people are struggling. Brainstorm with your staff how best to adapt to unprecedented times.
Frequent communication with employees is a must. You may be tempted to cancel or limit all-staff meetings or communications in an effort to curb distractions, but this isn’t the time to do so. It’s critical that everyone is on the same page about how to address questions or concerns. Plus, this is the time to express gratitude and take steps to boost morale. Make sure employees feel empowered to come to you with ideas on how to make customers happy in trying times.
Want to learn more about our customized customer service solutions? Contact us today to learn more: (877) 922-8877