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Set your brand apart with great customer service

Customer satisfaction.Customer expectations are rising. Is your company delivering the experience that consumers today demand? Now, more than ever, a great brand depends on great customer service. Wondering how your company’s customer service stacks up to the best? Here are three vital areas of delivering a superior customer experience, along with examples of companies that have been successful:

Make it personalized: In an age when business and personal interactions can be anonymous and impersonal, customers crave — and are willing to pay for — high-quality and personalized experiences. That means that the people answering your customer service inquiries are critical. Retailer Zappos, for example, has call center operators who are allowed the time to get to know individual customers, calling them by their first names and chatting with them while they are providing answers and/or addressing customer service issues.

Provide more ways to interact: Customers demand multiple ways to interact with a company, and they still expect each method to deliver a personalized experience. The mobile phone remains the most preferred tool; however, in recent years the use of other channels has risen. While making multiple channels available, it remains vital that communication is relatively easy and fast and of course, friendly. Disney is a pioneer in providing a friendly omni-channel experience to customers through its My Disney Experience tool.

Listen closely, respond quickly: Companies need to respond to feedback and issues quickly and effectively, and let customers know what’s been done to remedy any situation. Is your customer service friendly and effective? Does it offer a quick resolution to problems? Now, more than ever, it’s important to make customer support easy and convenient for all customers.

Outsourcing your customer service efforts to the right company can be an important part of delivering the best customer experience to your clients. Want to learn more about how we can help? Visit our website: