Is poor customer service costing you business?

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Everyone has a bad customer service story, and we love to share them, especially on the internet. For business owners, even one bad online review doesn’t go away. All your new and potential customers can see negative reviews and how you respond to them. As Warren Buffett once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Or, in the age of social media, one negative tweet or review.

So what can you do if your customer service isn’t quite up to snuff? Here are a few tips we’ve gathered that can help improve your customer service and lower the risk of losing sales.

Customer service matters, and while one bad review can be a blight on your online business record, several bad reviews could cause you to lose potential business. The best way to make sure that your customers are happy is to treat them well. Invest in good customer service and your sales will increase. Let us help with our solutions. Our tools are designed for businesses just like yours. Give us a call to learn more: (877) 922-8877

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