We know many businesses need to have information managed and disseminated in real-time. We also know how important it is for customers to be able to rely on 24/7 support.
Our service and dispatch agents are able to ensure your clients receive valuable service no matter what time of day it is. These professional agents can gather important information from the caller that you need to assist them. We can even interface with the service and dispatch software you already use. That allows us to help your technicians, engineers, and drivers when they need information on the go.
Like we said, no matter the time of day, we’re available for you. We can take calls and send them to the appropriate employee. We can check with the customer to make sure they’re satisfied afterward. This allows you to gain insightful information on how happy your customers are with the service you deliver.
Our service and dispatch software can be accessed from any web browser or mobile device at any time. And, it integrates seamlessly into call processing applications. Schedules can be changed when needed. The service makes it easy for you to ensure employees and customers have the support they need after hours or when your staff is overwhelmed. We’re always available.
How can you trust us to deliver the best service and support? We use a six-step implementation process that focuses on learning about you through development, training, and a careful rollout. We develop content and a curriculum along with a quality training program on your product, service, or brand to ensure agents can represent you proficiently.
We continue to strive for excellence while maintaining program quality and integrity as we work with you. We make sure our agents are scheduled properly and that resources are always available when needed. Our specialists are always monitoring contacts in the system to ensure we never miss a thing. And, you’ll always have a point of contact you can reach out to if you have issues and/or feedback to provide.
We want to help you get the support you need for employees and customers. Reach out to us at XACT to learn more.