Answering Phone Calls: Basic Etiquette
If you don’t think answering phone calls at your business with proper phone call etiquette is important, then look at this statistic. 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience.
Answering phone calls is one of the most important ways customers interact with your brand, and it’s a great opportunity to ensure they have a positive experience. With that in mind, basic etiquette can go a long way when answering phone calls.
Not only will this help ensure your customers are well taken care of, but it will also help create an overall professional atmosphere for your company. Read on for some tips about answering phone calls and the importance of proper etiquette.
Tips for Answering Phone Calls
The last thing you want to do as a business is let calls go to voicemail. This is particularly true if your customers or clients need assistance with time-sensitive issues. Aside from answering quickly when receiving a call, here are other phone etiquette tips to improve customer service efficiency.
Three Rings
How quickly should you be answering phone calls at your business? Answering a business call within three rings is important because it shows that you care about your customers. When you pick up the phone quickly, your customers will know you value their time and are ready to help them.
Answering the phone also prevents your customers from getting frustrated or feeling ignored. Remember, you represent your company when you answer the phone, so answer it promptly and with a friendly voice! How can you do that? You can remember to…
Introduce Yourself
Introducing yourself creates a friendly and welcoming environment for customers to ask questions or make requests comfortably. It also makes the conversation more personal, which can help build a better relationship between you and your customers.
By identifying yourself, you are showing respect to the caller and acknowledging their importance to your business. Depending on the types of calls you answer, this also provides them with the name of an employee or point of contact in case they need further assistance.
Actively Listen
Ensure you’re actively listening as they speak to you about their questions or concerns. Give them space to clearly explain the issue without interrupting. Don’t assume you know what they’re talking about simply because you’ve received a similar call.
Speak Clearly
Being articulate is key as you start to respond to the customer’s complaints or questions. Speaking clearly is vital because it helps ensure that your message is understood. This is particularly important if your conversation involves important information or details about:
- Products
- Services
- Payment
Clear communication also prevents misunderstandings or confusion, which can result in costly mistakes.
Be Professional
Finally, always ensure you have professional calls. Speak with a professional tone and offer professional suggestions to issues. Avoid getting emotional, even if the caller is emotional or upset. Stay calm and speak respectfully to the person on the call.
Professional Call Center Services
Need help to answer phone calls? We understand. Many businesses can’t train employees on phone etiquette. Or, they can’t hire in-house customer service support teams to manage incoming calls.
That’s what we’re here for. At XACT, we offer telephone answering services with 24/7 coverage to support your business. Let our team of customer service and phone specialists answer your calls for you in a professional, respectful manner.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help.